
This storefront definitely draws your attention. Clever designing has produced this impressive facade with glass bricks being entirely back lit by LED light boards.
The advantage of this is that not only does the glass brick panelling look its best 24/7 with light continuously flooding through, It also hides the structural steel members, concrete columns and floor slab edge that is so often a challenge when working with transparent elements and existing structures.
Glass brick: Seves Alpha (sandblasted one side)

In Collins Street where class and style is uncompromised, cutting edge fashion houses of the world display their finery.
The Flagship store for Coach is standing proud as the entrance to St Collins Lane with an extremely impressive facade of LED backlit glass blocks.

Coach Handbags Melbourne 3
Coach Handbags Melbourne 1
Coach Handbags Melbourne 2

The Light Box Brown Street Collingwood


Good Vibes Yoga Studio Collingwood